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Rogue Skill Icon.jpeg

Ranger is a Fusion class that focuses on dealing quick, light bursts of ranged damage. The main stats that effects Ranger are Dexterity (DEX) and Strength (STR). It is the fusion of the Thief and Archer Classes. With Ranger, its best to use guns, crossbows and bows as they pair effectively well with this class and synergise well with its passives.


Passive Skills

Honed Traits

Honed Traits

Improves your character class traits.

Skill Points Required to Unlock: None

Level Dodge Chance (%) Crit Damage (%)
1 +4% +15%
2 +8% +30%
3 +12% +45%
4 +16% +60%
Death from Afar

Death from Afar

Gain Increased damage when no enemies are near.

6m range.

Skill Points Required to Unlock: Spend 8 Skill Points on both Thief and Archer.

Level Damage (%)
1 +20%
2 +30%
3 +40%
4 +50%
Fragmenting Ammo

Fragmenting Ammo

Enemies have a chance to discharge ammo fragments that damage nearby enemies upon death.

Skill Points Required to Unlock: Spend 16 Skill Points on both Thief and Archer.

Level Chance to trigger (%) Projectile Amount Piercing Damage
1 40% (On defeating an enemy) 4 Projectiles 45% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack)
2 60% (On defeating an enemy) 4 Projectiles 50% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack)
3 80% (On defeating an enemy) 4 Projectiles 55% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack)
4 100% (On defeating an enemy) 4 Projectiles 60% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack)

Active Skills

Beast Trap Icon.jpeg

Beast Trap

Place a beast trap that immobilize enemies.

Draws enemies together.

Mana Cost: 4

Skill Points Required to Unlock: Spend 4 Skill Points on both Thief and Archer.

Level Skill CD Projectile Amount Slashing Damage
1 3 sec 3 Projectiles 30% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack)
2 2.5 sec 3 Projectiles 40% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack)
3 2 sec 3 Projectiles 50% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack)
4 1.5 sec 3 Projectiles 60% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack)


Fire an arrow that splits into damaging fragments upon hitting enemies.

Mana Cost: 4

Skill Points Required to Unlock: Spend 8 Skill Points on both Thief and Archer.

Level Skill CD Piercing Damage
1 2 sec 60% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack)
2 1.5 sec 70% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack)
3 1 sec 80% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack)
4 0.5 sec 90% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack)
Glaive Throw

Glaive Throw

Throw Multiple glaives that return to you after a time.

Mana Cost: 6

Skill Points Required to Unlock: Spend 16 Skill Points on both Thief and Archer.

Level Skill CD Projectile Amount Slashing Damage Crit Chance (%)
1 3 sec 3 Projectiles 90% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack) +50%
2 2.5 sec 4 Projectiles 100% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack) +50%
3 2 sec 5 Projectiles 110% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack) +50%
4 1.5 sec 6 Projectiles 120% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack) +50%
Rain of Arrows: Maahes

Rain of Arrows: Maahes

A volley of arrows shower the target area for a short duration

6m Range

Mana Cost: 8

Skill Points Required to Unlock: Spend 24 Skill Points on both Thief and Archer.

Level Skill CD Delay

Between Ticks

Duration Slashing Damage Crit Chance (%)
1 6 sec 0.3 sec 4 sec 30% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack) +50%
2 5.5 sec 0.3 sec 4 sec 40% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack) +50%
3 5 sec 0.3 sec 4 sec 50% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack) +50%
4 4.5 sec 0.3 sec 4 sec 60% inflicted (Based on Physical Attack) +50%