Wiki Rules

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If you are looking for Wiki Guidelines, please click here.
If you are looking for Wiki Terminology, please click here.

Rules to follow on the wiki are as follows. Not following all of these rules may result in your account/IP address being blocked from contributing or posting. The length of the block is dependent on the severity of the offense(s).

  1. Do not commit vandalism of any page.
    • Removing or adding non-appropriate content to pages also falls under vandalism.
      • Do not create pages without any content for an actual editor to fill in.
        • If you want a page to be created, contact one of the active editors (see Community) and ask them to create or add to a page for you.
  2. Do not spam anywhere on the wiki.
    • This includes comments, posts, files, messages, etc.
  3. Keep any offensive or sexually explicit content out of the wiki.
    • Content includes links, images, videos, text, etc. in articles or discussions.
  4. Do not share any sensitive personal information of yourself or another person.
    • This includes addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, etc.
    • All sensitive personal information will be removed, as we cannot confirm whose information it may be.
  5. Do not be racist, offensive, derogatory, threatening or incite violence in any way.
  6. Refrain from talking about politics or sensitive topics unless it links to content on the wiki or in-game.
    • Please use other platforms for this type of discussion.
  7. Keep wiki articles in English.
    • This excludes informative in-game content, translations, quotes, etc.
    • If you would like to contribute to a Soul Knight Prequel Wiki of a different language contribute to the Soul Knight Prequel Wiki's of the relavent language. If it doesn't exist you can create it yourself.

There is an expection that you follow common sense even in areas not directly covered in the rules, trying to circumnavigate the rules using loopholes will not be tolerated. Intentionally unacceptable behavior can lead to action against your account/IP address. Attempting to circumvent a block in any way will lead to a block of the account/IP address involved in circumvention, and the length of the block will be increased on your other account.

Violating Fandom's Terms of Use will also lead to consequences. Notably, you should be of legal age in your area of residence to own a Fandom account and follow the User Conduct stated in the Terms of Use.

If you have questions regarding the rules or would like to appeal a block, please ask on our Discord server or message an Admin.